22-23 March 2010: Service Science and Innovation Doctoral Colloquium
Service Science and Innovation Doctoral Colloquium
22-23 March 2010
Staffordshire University, The Octagon, Beconside, Stafford, ST 18 OAD.
Sponsored by SSMENetUK, CSIRN and IBM
Conveners Professor Robert Paton, University of Glasgow and Professor Lorna Uden, Staffordshire University
Doctoral Panel
Professor Irene Ng, University of Exeter
Professor Linda Macaulay, Manchester University
Dr. Stephen McLaughlin, University of Glasgow
Dr. Charles Loving, IBM
The Doctoral Colloquium is designed to provide doctoral researchers in Services Science and Innovation (SSI) with the opportunity to present and discuss their research with a multi disciplinary panel of distinguished scholars and practitioners engaged in SSI. The sessions will be open to all Colloquium delegates. The Colloquium will provide you with an opportunity to interact with colleagues from other institutions working on SSI, and to join and feel part of the services science community.
The inaugural SSI Colloquium welcome attendees wishing to present research papers participate in a synopsis session, or indeed simply wishing to attend and share in the informed discussion.
The Colloquium programme will invite contributions to two streams, both competitive in that papers and synopsis will be selected by the panel, limited to a maximum of 8 participants for Stream A and 12 for stream B, details as follows:
Stream A: Research Papers
This stream is for doctoral researchers who have commenced their doctoral studies, and made some progress in the development of their research, or who have recently completed their doctoral thesis. Papers will be submitted, 1 month prior to the event, those researchers papers selected for presentation to the panel will be distributed electronically prior to the Colloquium. Each paper will be presented, 10 to 15 minutes, to the Doctoral Panel and assembled researchers.
The Panel is there to give helpful advice, so highlight in both your written submission and your presentation aspects of the work that have been particularly challenging, and any specific issues on which the panel could give advice. You should not be aiming simply to ‘impress’ the Panel with your submission; the panel members are there to help you work out approaches appropriate within your research area.
Stream B: Synopsis
This is for students who are in the very early stages of their doctoral research, or who are anticipating enrolment for a doctoral degree in the near future. Submissions for Stream B should consist of a synopsis of your research ideas, which may take the form of a topic outline, or a brief proposal. Researchers should be prepared to give a brief, 5-minute presentation to the panel.
General Guidelines
All submissions should include:
- Your supervisor's name(s) and university
- The title of your thesis
- The date you began your research and whether you are full time or part time
- Your estimated completion date
- indicate to which stream you are applying
We suggest that Stream A submissions should not exceed 2500 words and be organised as follows:
- The general aims and objectives of your research
- A brief indication of the main relevant strands in the literature
- Your specific research objectives in the light of the general aims and the existing literature
- Details of the methodology or methodologies to be employed in pursuing the research objectives
- Where appropriate, details of data sources, requirements for data collection, requirements re access to companies, etc
- Where appropriate, discussion of methods to be employed in analysing the data collected
- A brief provisional Table of Contents for your dissertation (as an appendix)
- Relevant findings of the research to date may be presented in summary form
If not covered under the above headings, please indicate specific issues on which you would like the Doctoral Panel to make comment and offer advice.
Your presentation should last for no more than fifteen minutes. PowerPoint presentations should consist of no more than 15 slides. In the presentation you may either follow the structure of your paper submission, or concentrate on a particular aspect of your research on which you want guidance, or employ a mixture of both approaches. We allow 10 minutes for feedback from the Panel, including discussion with the Doctoral Panel members. Be prepared to take notes on the advice you receive (you may wish to record using a tape recorder).
Stream B submissions should take the form of a 500 word synopsis of their emerging research theme, highlighting any particular issues or causes of concern. Presentations should be limited to no more than 5 PowerPoint slides and last no longer than 5 minutes. Presentations will be batched into themes and the he Panel will comment across the themes.
Submission and Deadlines
Research Papers to: Professor Paton r.paton@lbss.gla.ac.uk
Synopsis to: Professor Uden L.Uden@staffs.ac.uk
Subsidised places are limited and therefore doctoral researchers will be selected on a competitive basis to make a presentation of their papers/synopsis at the Colloquium.
Submission deadline: 26th February 2010
Day One
10.00 Coffee Registration
10.00 Welcome address and Panel Introductions
10.15 Overview of Panel Interests
11.00 Research Paper Presentations 1
13.00 Buffet Lunch
14.00 Synopsis Presentations 1
15.30 Coffee
15.45 Research Presentations 2
17.45 Break
19.00 Colloquium Dinner
Day Two
09.00 Synopsis Presentations 2
10.30 Coffee
10.45 Open Mike Session
11.45 Closing Remarks
12.00 Close
The Doctoral Colloquium is free, but places limited to a maximum of 24 participants. Please note that the Colloquium not provide financial assistance towards travel or accommodation and so students are encouraged to approach their own institutions or funding authorities in well in advance.
Please address any enquiries to L.Uden@staffs.ac.uk or paton@lbss.gla.ac.uk
Hotel Information
A list of hotels can be found from the link below: Stafford Hotel Information