Network Activities

The Challenge of Services in the 21st Century 1st July 2008

The Challenge of Services in the 21st Century: Opportunities for Education and Business
Services Science Management and Engineering
SSME Workshop

July 1st 2008
The Old Cinema Lecture Theatre
University of Westminster,
309 Regent Street, just North of Oxford Circus Tube Station,

Economies have become dominated by services sectors. In Brazil, Russia, Japan and Germany, the service sector now accounts for more than 50% of the labour force and in the United States and the United Kingdom for 75% of labour force activity. Service occupations, service activities and service relationships have risen to the fore across all sectors of economic activity. For example, knowledge based services are currently worth $7T to the Western Economy and are expected to reach $15T worldwide within ten years (high value services are 25% of the west’s economy).

The concept of Service Science continues to gather momentum, driven by global economic change and the growth in the importance of "services". A critical element of Service Science is the changing shape of the academic curriculum that will be required to provide businesses with the best graduates. Work has been progressing in both academia and industry. The time is now right to bring the whole community together and agree the way forward. A White Paper and Call to Action called ‘Succeeding Through Service Innovation’ was recently published and provides essential prior reading for this workshop.

The goal of this workshop is to raise awareness of the need for educators to respond to the challenge of growing services economy and to stimulate business to become involved in the development and delivery of curricula.

Who should attend?
Anyone who is concerned about recruitment and skills of future graduates and those involved in curriculum innovation and development to meet the challenges of the 21st Century.


09.30 amCoffee/RegistrationOLD CINEMA FOYER
10.00 amWelcome and Introduction to the dayChair: Katherine Tyler, University of Westminster
Professor Geoffrey Petts
Vice Chancellor
University of Westminster
10.15 amGrowth in the Services Economy: The need for new knowledge and skills
Kevin Bishop, Vice President Marketing, IBM Northeast Europe
11.00 amPanel Session
Title: Services, business and needs for a skilled workforce: perspectives from three different industries
Panel Chair: Philip Stiles, University of Cambridge
Chris Toft, HP
Paul Tasker, BAe Systems
Adam Wills, Thomson Reuters
12.00 pmDiscussion
1.00 pmPanel Session:
Responding to the need for transformation in Higher Education: three universities each explain their current thinking and progress to date
Panel chair: Michael Lyons, BT
Irene Ng, University of Exeter
Duncan McFarlane, University of Cambridge
Katherine Tyler, University of Westminster
2.00 pmDicussion
2.15 pmBreakout Session
3.15 pmReport back
3.30 pmIntroduction to September workshop and follow-up actions Linda Macaulay, University of Manchester
4.00 pmFINISH


Registration for this event is essential for security purposes and admission to the building.
There is no charge for attendance.

The workshop is hosted by SSMEnetUK and supported by HP, BT and IBM. SSMEnetUK is an EPSRC funded project aimed at developing the SSME agenda within the UK. See to become a network member and to access resources and key readings.

In preparation for the workshop please read: Cambridge SSME

ENQUIRIES to: Short Courses Administrator, Helen Cohen, 020 7911 5000 ext 4298 or , University of Westminster

Organising Committee

Chris CromackIBM
Charles LovingIBM
Irene NgUniversity of Exeter
Linda MacaulayUniversity of Manchester
Philip StilesUniversity of Cambridge
Steve StreetIBM
Katherine TylerUniversity of Westminster
Richard TaylorHP
Fiona BarkerBarkerPR