Network Members

Network Members - Companies

Sandra Ward  / Beaworthy Consulting
Application of service science to information service provision

Alan Huang  / 
service innovation, design innovation, service science

Stephen McLaughlin  / IVI, NUI Maynooth
Service innovation, Role of ICT in SI, Innovation across knowledge intensive systems

Alejandro Arevalo  / BMI Media
S-DL, Service system, Service mindset, service design

Nick Frank  / Noventum Service Management Consultants
Service Innovation in Manufacturing and technology businesses

John Forrester  / Ancitel Spa
Development of services by public administration for citizens and businesses: methodology, implementation, and use.

Vitor Vieira Alves  / Portuguese SSME-PT Board
Service Desgin, Service Thinking, Service Science, Creative Models

Arjan Dhillon  / VC
Emerging Technologies and Service Offerings

Brendan McCarron  / Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy
Design and improvement of public services; Application of service science to public service domain

Richard Garner  / IBM and Jordan University of Science and Technology
Service science research, development, innovation Design and validation of service systems; SSME curriculum development

Dr. Martinus Tukiran  / Magna Transforma Consulting Group
Service Strategy

Steve Dore  / IIS Ltd
Innovation in manufacturing companies

Steve Dore  / IIS Ltd.
Innovation in manufacturing companies

Brendan McCarron  / Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy
Design and improvement of public services; Application of service science to public service domain

Richard Garner  / IBM and Jordan University of Science and Technology
Service science research, development, innovation Design and validation of service systems SSME curriculum development

Dr. Martinus Tukiran  / Magna Transforma Consulting Group
Service Strategy

Rachael Watson  / TrusTECH, NHS North West Innovation Hub
Service Innovation, Technology Innovation, Organisational Learning and Knowledge Exchange, Intellectual Propert, Commercialisation of Healthcare Innovation

Prof.Dipl.Architect Bob Awofeso  / Chartered-Certified Institution of Architect-Engineers
Research Areas - aRCHITECTURE & eNGINEERING dESIGN Research Topics - [1] Design Standards & Accreditation [2] Numerical Analysis & Modelling [3] IT Systems and Project Design Solutions

Hilbrand Rustema  / Dutch chapter of AFSMI
Service innovation and transformation

Stephen Downton  / CIMA
Service, customer experience

Jane Searles  / Independent Consultant
ocal Government, Application of Systems Thinking, Application of the Viable Systems Model, Need Led service delivery, Collaborative service delivery and shared learning, Innovation in Services

Hans Van Mingroot  / IBM Academic Relations
SSME focussed curriculum development. Service system innovation. Role of global skills-shifting and concentration in service systems. Impact of global enterprise integration onto service systems.

Fernando Arruda  / ISG Consulting
Service Design

Michelle Martin  / TrusTECH NW NHS Innovation Hub, UK
Dissemintaion of Service innovations within the NHS

Alexey Alekhin  / CEO Non-profit Partnership of Strategic Outsourcing Development Assistance (Russian Federation)

Youakim Badr  / INSA de Lyon, France
Services Sciences; Service-Oriented Computing; Ineroperability & Integration; Data-centric & Business Process Modelling; Security & Risk Management; Complex & Dynamic Systems; Computational Evolutionary

Arnold Beekes  /
Service Innovation

Shoshan Shacham  / SHACHAM3I.COM
New service deployment process

Eamonn Kennedy  / Ovum
Development of service science as a mainstream concept in academia and in the business community and recognition of its value by relevant government bodies.

Jordi Busquets  / IBM

B McCarron  / CIPFA
Public Sector service system management

Keith Instone  / IBM
User experience and service design. Application of SSME research to improve the experience people have with service systems.

Graham Hill  / Strategyn UK
Application of service-dominant logic and service science to service innovation

Juan Pablo Napoli  / IBM

Tarun Sainani  / IBM Partnerworld
To pursue MSC in Service Science from UK and then a Phd in Service Science.

Daniel Santos  / CEFET-RJ (Brazil)
Knowledge Intensive Services; Process Management; Sourcing Activities;

Michael Lyons  / BT
Service design, delivery and innovation, Dynamic Modelling (of service delivery systems), Management of complexity and complex service systems.

Richard Taylor  / Concinnitas
SSME research and development, Education and training

Peter Ward  / IBM (UK) Ltd
SSME as a way of formalising the services businesses need to deliver and managing them from creation through delivery and to withdrawal.

Dhruw Joshi  / Design of Global IT Service Solutions for Hewlett Packard
Service Levels, Service Management , Service Oriented Architectures

Terry Mahoney  / Selex Galileo
Soft Systems Methodology, Customer Intimacy strategies, scenario planning

Wilhelm Taurel  / AFSMI German Chapter
Service Engineering, Service Management, Service Innovation, Service Research Solution Management

John Matthews  / Comscient Group
Services Marketing, Services Process Innovation, Services Automation, Agile Service Operations, Knowledge-Based Services, Professional Services Delivery

Christian Cook  / Motorola
To simplify collaborative B2B service ecosystem working environments across E2E Service Supply Chain Operations; to improve our understanding of e-business patterns and network innovation which all require methodologies and techniques a level beyond the accepted ‘Best-in-Class’ to ensure service businesses are more effective and agile for their customers.

Brian Chang  / Trend Micro
eService, Consulting service, service development, service innovation

Bouron thierry  / France Telecom
Services Sciences

Jim Spohrer  / IBM
short term -- SSME certificates available to all students of all disciplines and all levels
long term - unified theory of service systems and optimal value co-creation from customer-provider interactions, will require a deep theory of resources life cycle interactions