Key Reading and Glossary

Reading (Book)

Hidden Wealth: the contribution of science to service sector innovation, The Royal Society, Policy Document, London, July 2009,

Succeeding through service innovation: A service perspective for education, research, business and government (2008), IfM and IBM, Cambridge, UK, University of Cambridge Institute for Manufacturing
White paper based on the Cambridge Service Science, Management and Engineering Symposium (University of Cambridge, July 2007) and the following consultation process 115 people from 20 countries contributed to it
Recommendations for Education, Research, Business, and Government
download fileDownload 080428cambridge_ssme_whitepaper.pdf [0.69MB]

Service Science, Management and Engineering: Education for the 21st Century (2008), Hefley, Bill; Murphy, Wendy (Eds.) in Series Service Science: Research and Innovation in the Service Economy, Springer Press 2008

e-Government, ICT Professionalism and Competences: Service Science (2008), Mazzeo, Antonino; Bellini, Roberto; Motta, Gianmario (Eds.), Series: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Vol 280, Springer Press ISBN 0387097112
This book constitutes refereed proceedings of  IFIP 20th World Computer Congress, Industry Oriented Conferences, September 7-10, 2008, Milano, Italy.

Netherlands Services Innovation Roadmap Report

NEW Book Series: Service Science: Research & Innovations in the Service Economy (SSRI) (2008), Bill Hefley & Wendy Murphy (eds), Springer Press

Services Science, Fundamentals,Challenges and Future Developments (2007), B. Stauss, K.Engelmann, A.Kremer, A.Luhn (eds), Springer Press 2007
The service sector has dominated advanced economies for years. In many countries, it accounts for more than 70% of gross domestic product, and approximately the same percentage of all employees work in this sector. To reflect the economic relevance of the service sector, services science must be established as an academic discipline. But the path in pursuit of this goal is riddled with challenges, especially in the fields of services research, service-oriented education and service-related collaborations. This book includes detailed articles and short statements on each field, written by academics and experts. They explain which challenges need to be met by research and academic training in the services community of the 21st century. The contributions contained in this book reflect the content of presentations and statements given at the first German Services Science Conference.

Knowledge Creation and Management: New Challenges for Managers (2007), Ichijo, K & Nonaka, I (eds) Oxford University Press

Models of Cyberinfrastructure-based enterprises and their engineering in C. Hsu (ed), • Service Enterprise Integration: an Enterprise Engineering Perspective, Springer Science, 2007.

Setting the Table, Meyer Danny, (2007), Harper Collins, New York

The Pricing and Revenue Management of Services: A Strategic Approach, Ng, Irene C.L., (2007), Routledge

The DNA of Customer Experience, Shaw, Colin, (2007), Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke

Operations Management, 5th edition, Slack, Nigel, Stuart Chambers, and Robert Johnston (2007), FT Prentice Hall, Harlow

What Customers Want: Using Outcome-driven Innovation to Create Breakthrough Products and Services, Ulwick, Anthony W., (2007), McGraw-Hill

Key Account Management: The Definitive Guide, 2nd ed., McDonald, Malcolm, and Diana Woodburn, (2007), Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford

Services Marketing: People Technology and Strategy, 6th Ed., Lovelock, Christopher H. and Jochen Wirtz (2007), Pearson/Prentice Hall, New Jersey

Innovation Diffusion in the New Economy: the Tacit Component, B.A.Jones & A.R. Miller, Advances in Management & Business Studies, Routledge 2007: Paperback edition Dec 2008

In Search of a New Logic for Marketing, Grönroos, Christian, London: Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2007

Advances in Services Innovation (2006), Spath, D & Fahnrich, K-P,(eds.), Springer Press 2006
The book documents the state of the art in Services Science. It combines contributions in Service Engineering, Service Management and Service Marketing and helps to develop a roadmap for future R and D activities in these fields. The book is written for researchers in engineering and management.

The Service-Dominant Logic of Marketing: Dialog, Debate and Directions (2006), Lusch, R., Vargo, S.I., (eds.), M.E.Sharpe 2006
Expanding on the editors' award-winning article "Evolving to a New Dominant Logic for Marketing," this book presents a challenging new paradigm for the marketing discipline. This new paradigm is service-oriented, customer-oriented, relationship-focused, and knowledge-based, and places marketing, once viewed as a support function, central to overall business strategy. Service-dominant logic defines service as the application of competencies for the benefit of another entity and sees mutual service provision, rather than the exchange of goods, as the proper subject of marketing. It moves the orientation of marketing from a "market to" philosophy where customers are promoted to, targeted, and captured, to a "market with" philosophy where the customer and supply chain partners are collaborators in the entire marketing process. The editors elaborate on this model through an historical analysis, clarification, and extension of service-dominant logic, and distinguished marketing thinkers then provide further insight and commentary.

Service Science Education for the 21st Century (2006), IBM Palisade Summit Report, Palisades, NY, Sept 2006

Open Innovation: Researching a New Paradigm. (2006), Chesbrough, H., Vanhaverbeke, W. and West, J. Oxford University Press

Enterprise Service Computing: From Concept to Delpoyment, Qiu, Robin, Ed.(2006),  Idea Group Publishing: Hershey, PA.

Service is Front Stage, Teboul, James (2006), INSEAD Business Press

An engineering tool for the conceptual design of service systems , Karni and Kaner (2006) in Advances in Service Innovations,  (eds) Spath & Fahnrich, Springer, New York
Provide a general defintion of a system and then specify the distinctive characteristics of a service system.

The Ultimate Question, Reichheld, Frederick F., (2006), Harvard Business School Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Outside Innovation: How Your Customers Will Co-design Your Company’s Future, Seybold, Patricia B.(2006), HarperCollins Publishers

Services Marketing, 4th ed., Zeithaml Valarie A., Mary Jo Bitner and Dwayne D. Gremler, (2006),McGraw Hill, New York

Flying High in a Competitive Industry: Cost effective service excellence at Singapore Airlines, Heracleous, Loizos, Jochen Wirtz and Nitin Pangarkar (2006), McGraw Hill, Singapore

Service Management 5th ed.,Fitzsimmons, James A. and Mona J. Fitzsimmons, (2006),
McGraw-Hill, New York

Involving Customers in New Service Development, Bo Edvardsson, Anders Gustafsson, Per Kristensson, Peter Magnusson & Jonas Matthing (Editors), Imperial College Press, London. 2006

Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm, Zeithaml, Valarie, Mary Jo Bitner & Dwayne Gremlery, 4th edition, New York: McGraw-Hill 2006
Provides a comprehensive review and analysis of services marketing issues, practice, and strategy. Utilizing the GAPS Model of Service Quality as an organizing framework the structure of the text offers part openers that sequentially build the model gap by gap.

Interactions Between Service Customers, Nicholls, Richard (2005), Poznan University of Economics Publishing House, Poznan

Revolutionize Your Customer Experience, Shaw, Colin, (2005) Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke

Services Marketing in Asia: A Case Book, Wirtz, Jochen and Christopher H. Lovelock (2005),Pearson/Prentice Hall, Singapore

Complaint Management: The Heart of CRM,Stauss, Bernd and Wolfgang Seidel., (2005) Thomson

Service Operations Management, Johnston, Robert and Graham Clark (2005), 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, Harlow, England

Services Marketing and Management: A Strategic Perspective, 2nd ed., Kasper, Hans, Piet van Helsdingen, and Mark Gabbott, (2006) Wiley, Chichester

Service Operations Management, Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons, New York, McGraw-Hill, 2005

Services Science: A new Academic Discipline (2004),  IBM Research report download fileDownload IBMReportServicesScience.pdf [0.64MB]

Innovation in Services,  Miles, I. (2004),  in Jan Fagerberg, David Mowery, and Richard Nelson (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Innovation Oxford: chapter 16 pp433-458, Oxford University Press, 2004

The Future of Competition – Co-Creating Unique Value with Customers, Prahalad, C.K. & Venkat Ramaswamy (2004), Harvard Business School Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts

The Management of Service Operations, 2nd ed, Wright, J. Nevan and Peter Race (2004), Thomson, London

Service Innovation: Organizational Responses to Technological Opportunities & Market Imperatives (2003), Tidd J and Hull, F.M.(eds): Series on Technology Management (Vol. 9); Imperial College Press 2003
In the most advanced service economies, services create up to three-quarters of the wealth and 85% of employment, and yet we know relatively little about managing innovation in this sector. The critical role of services, in the broadest sense, has long been recognized, but is still not well understood. Most research and management prescriptions have been based on the experience of manufacturing and high technology sectors. There is a clear need to distinguish which, if any, of what we know about managing innovation in manufacturing is applicable to services, what must be adapted, and what is distinct and different.

Winning at Service, Schmidt, Waldemar, Gordon Adler &  Els van Weering (2003), John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester

Service Innovation: Organizational Responses to Technological Opportunities & Market Imperatives, Tidd, Joe &Frank M. Hull, (eds), (2003), Imperial College Press

Services Management: An integrated approach, 2nd ed.,Van Looy, Bart, Paul Gemmel and Roland Van Dierdonck (2003), FT Prentice Hall, Harlow

Successful Service Operations Management, Metters, Richard, Kathryn King-Metters & Madeleine Pullman (2003), Thomson, Ohio

Cases in Operations Management, 3rd edition,Johnston, Robert, Stuart Chambers, Christine Harland, Alan Harrison and Nigel Slack (2003), FT Prentice Hall, Harlow

The Value Profit Chain, Heskett, James L., W. Earl Sasser and Leonard A. Schlesinger (2003) Free Press, New York

Competing in a Service Economy,Gustafsson, Anders and Michael D. Johnson, (2003), Jossey-Bass, San Francisco

Managing Business Relationships, Ford, David, Lars Erik-Gadde, Håkan Håkansson, Ivan Snehota, (2003),
2nd ed., Wiley, Chichester

Service Management and Marketing, Grönroos, Christian, (2003), 2nd ed, Wiley, Chichester, England

Secret Service, DiJulius, John R. (2003) Amacom, New York

Managing Services: Using Technology to Create Value, Davis, Mark M., and Janelle Heineke (2003), McGraw-Hill, Boston

Computer Aided Service Engineering, Scheer, Spath (eds) Springer 2004

Productivity, Innovation and Knowledge in Services, New Economic and Socio-Economic Approaches, Gadrey, J. and Gallouj, F., (2002) Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

Uncommon Practice, Milligan, Andy and Shaun Smith (eds) (2002), FT Prentice Hall, Harlow

e-Service: New Directions in Theory and Practice, Rust, Roland T.& Pallassana K. Kannan., (eds)(2002), M.E. Sharpe, New York

Managing the Customer Experience, Schmitt, Bernd H. (2002), FT Prentice Hall, Harlow

The Customer Revolution, Seybold, Patricia B. (2002), Random House Business Books, London

Building Great Customer Experiences, Shaw, Colin and John Ivens (2002), Palgrave, London

The Lifebelt, Murphy, John A., (2001) Wiley, Chichester

The Customer Differential, Nykamp, Melinda (2001) American Marketing Association, New York

Understanding Service Businesses, Sampson, Scott E. (2001), Wiley

Customer Relationship Management, Storbacka, Kaj and J.R. Lehtinen (2001) McGraw-Hill,

New Service Development and Innovation in the New Economy (2000), Edvardsson et al (eds), Studentlitteratur AB, January 2000
Most companies that want to compete in today's markets try to differentiate thenselves with the innovative services. New Service Development and Innovation in the New Economy focuses on the introduction and development of new competitive services. Practical tools for the process are provided together with valuable insights into the theoretical methods for the development of new services.

Knowledge and Innovation in the New Service Economy, B Andersen et al (eds) 2000, Cheltenham, Elgar

Service Management, Normann, Richard (2000) Wiley, 3rd ed, Chichester

New Service Design, Fitzsimmons, James A. and Mona J. Fitzsimmons,(eds) (2000)Sage

Globalisation of Services, Aharoni, Yair and Lilach Nachum (eds), (2000) , Routledge, London

Customer Capitalism, Vandermerwe, Sandra (1999), Nicholas Brealey Publishing, London

Services Marketing: A European Perspective, Lovelock, Christopher H., Sandra Vandermerwe and Barbara Lewis (1999), Prentice Hall, Harlow, England

Total Relationship Marketing, Gummesson, Evert, (1999), Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford

Super Service, Gee, Val and Jeff Gee, (1999), McGraw Hill, New York

Measuring Business Performance, Neely, Andy D. (1998), The Economist Books, London

Service Asia, Tocquer, Gerard A. and Chan Cudennec (1998), Prentice Hall, Singapore

Research Methods in Service Industry Management, Johns, Nick and Darren Lee-Ross (1998), Cassell, London

Leadership for Competitive Advantage, Georgiades, Nick and Richard Macdonell, (1998),

Satisfaction: A Behavioral Perspective on the Consumer, Oliver, Richard L. (1997), McGraw Hill, New York

The Service Profit Chain, Heskett, James L., W. Earl Sasser and Leonard A. Schlesinger (1997), Free Press, New York

The Loyalty Effect,  (1996) Reichheld, Frederick F., Harvard Business School Press, Cambridge, Mass.

Dealing with Customer Complaints, Williams, Tom (1996), Gower, Aldershot

Managing the Professional Service Firm, Maister, David H., (1993) Free Press, New York

Service Breakthroughs: Changing the rules of the game, Heskett, James L., W. Earl Sasser and Christopher W.L. Hart (1990), Free Press, New York

Service Breakthroughs - Changing the Rules of the Game, Hesket, J. L., Sasser, W. E., Hart, C.W.L, The Free Press, New York 1990

The New Language of Business, SOA & Web 2.0, S.Carter, IBM Press 2007

Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy, Lovelock, Christopher, and Jochen Wirtz, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2007

Innovation Systems in the Service Economy: Measurement and Case Study Analysis, J.S. Metcalf and I. Miles (eds), (Economics of Science, Technology & Innovation), Kluwer Academic Publishers 2006

Service Engineering, Bullinger, Scheer (eds), Springer 2003

Patterns for e-business: A Strategy for Reuse, J. Adams, S. Koushik, G. Vasudeva, and G. Galambos,
IBM Press, 2001. Pattern descriptions also available at

The Service Profit Chain, Heskett, James L. , W. Earl Sasser & Leonard L. Schlesinger, New York: The Free Press, 1997

 A Complaint is a Gift , Barlow, Janelle and Claus Møller (1996), Berrett-Koehler, San Francisco

Service Breakthroughs—Changing the Rules of the Game. Heskett, J.L., Sasser, W.E.,Hart, C.W.L., The Free Press: New York. 1990

Customer is King, Craven, Robert (2005), Virgin Books, London

Improving Service Performance: A Study of Step-Change Versus Continuous Improvement, Brignall, Stan T.J, Lin Fitzgerald, Robert Johnston and Eleni Markou (1999) CIMA, London

Inconvenience Stores: One year in UK Customer Service, Bradley, Mark (2004), Ardra Press

Services and the Knowledge-Based Economy, Boden, Mark and Ian Miles, (eds)(2000),
Continuum, London

Discovering the Soul of Service, Berry, Leonard L. (1999), Free Press, New York

Natural Capitalism , Hawken, Paul, Amory Lovins, and L. Hunter Lovins, New York: Little Brown & Co., 1999 [see especially Chap. 7]