22-23 March 2010: Service Science and Innovation Doctoral Colloquium
Service Science and Innovation Doctoral Colloquium
22-23 March 2010
Staffordshire University, The Octagon, Beconside, Stafford, ST 18 OAD.
Presentations available to download:
- Service Science and Innovation Doctoral Colloquium - Schedule of Events
- Service Science and Innovation Doctoral Colloquium by Prof Lorna Uden, Staffordshire University
- Complex Service Innovation Research Network by Prof. Robert Paton, University of Glasgow
- Service Science and Innovation by Prof Linda A Macaulay, Manchester Business School
- Towards a Smarter Planet: Sensors, Complex Service Systems & Service Science Steve Street, IBM
- Service strategy, systems, and innovation in support of UK Military land forces by Rich Morales, Doctoral Student, Cambridge University
- Analyzing and Improving Design Practice in Services for People with Intellectual Disabilities by Eva-Maria Hempe, Doctoral Student, Cambridge University
- ArcHES - An Architecture for HE Services by Janet Francis, Doctoral Student, Staffordshire University
- Towards an activity-oriented and context-aware collaborative working environments by Ince T Wangsa, Doctoral Student, Staffordshire University
- Service Innovation within Supply Chain Networks by Javier Yáñez-Arenas, Doctoral Student, University of Glasgow
- Service selection - the dynamics by Kristjan Košič , Doctoral Student, University of Maribor
- Research Intent Presentation by Remigus Onuoha, Doctoral Student, Staffordshire University
- Managing and creating value in the software engineering process in mechanical engineering industry by Anne-Maria Aho, Doctoral Student, Vaasa University
- Co-Created Value: An Islamic (Shariah) Banking Perspective by Samer Jan, Doctoral Student, University of Glasgow
- The Productivity of Services:A systematic literature review andresearch directions by Claudia Lehmann, Doctoral Student, HHL -Leipzig Graduate School of Management
- Privacy Sensitive Architecture for Psychiatric Behaviour Monitoring Service System by Rusyaizila Ramli, Doctoral Student, Universiti Sains Malaysia
- Investigating Trust Factors in Computer Mediated Group Collaboration by Xusen Cheng, Doctoral Student, Manchester Business School