Service-dominant logic (S-DL)
The product-dominant logic is the traditional economic world view of services and products as two distinct value-creating mechanisms in an economy. The service-dominant logic world view, upon which service science is based, advocates that service is value co-creation interactions undertaken when service systems create, propose and realise value propositions, which may include things, actions, information and other resources. Value propositions are built on the notion of asset sharing, information sharing, work sharing (actions), risk sharing, as well as other types of sharing and exchange that can co-create value in customer- provider interactions.
Also known as roleholders in service systems. Roleholders are people, or other service systems, that fill named roles in service systems. The two main roles in any service system are provider and customer. For example, executives, employees, and customers are roleholders in businesses, politicians and citizens in nations, teachers and students in schools, doctor and patient in hospitals, and parents and children in families.
Servitization of manufacturing
The process of transforming products into leased service offerings, often including on-going upgrades and maintenance contracts, or providing value add service activities as options when selling a product (financing, warranty and insurances, technical support or help desk, etc.).
Service mindset
A focus on innovating customer-provider value co-creation interactions (service systems and value propositions, SSME qualified) that is combined with the interactional expertise capabilities of an adaptive innovator to enable team work across academic disciplines and business functional silos.
Service system
A service system is a dynamic value co-creation configuration of resources. Four key types of resources include people, technology, organizations, and shared information (language, laws, measures, methods). Service systems are a type of system of systems, in which value proposition connect internal and external service systems. The smallest service system is a single person and the largest service system is the global economy.
Service sourcing
Developing service centric procurement: agreed commodity definitions, identifying expected outcomes of customer needs and outcomes, determining cost drivers, defining and communicating requirements, defining supplier evaluation criteria
Service Science, Management and Engineering (SSME)
Curricula, training, and research programs that are designed to teach individuals to apply scientific, engineering, and management disciplines that integrate elements of computer science, operations research, industrial engineering, business strategy, management sciences, and social and legal sciences, in order to encourage innovation in how organizations create value for customers and stakeholders that could not be achieved through such disciplines working in isolation.
Service science
The umbrella term for the emerging discipline of Service Science, Management, and Engineering (SSME). Service science is the integration of many service research areas and service disciplines, such as: service economics, service marketing, service operations, service management, service engineering, service computing, service sourcing (esp. eSourcing), service human resources management, service design, and service innovation.
(Jim Spohrer) Service "science" refers to the matehmatical modelling of service ystems & the social sciences that are relevant to understanding the human, organisational & cultural aspects of service systems. Also refers to understanding of the origins, and life cycles of service systems, ranging from business components, to business models, to value networks of many businesses linked globally. (2007)
Service operations
Service operations are the compensation for jointly created value between providers and clients
Service marketing
The study of value-creating customer-provider interactions, outcomes and relationships, that extends the tools and methods of marketing. Gradually replacing "services marketing" by emphasising that the outcome of all economic activity should be service (or value) whether the service/value emanates from things (goods) or activities (services). This domain places special emphasis on quality and customer satisfaction, demand forecasting,market segmentation and pricing, customer life-time value, and sustainable value propositions. Relationship marketing and CRM (customer relationship management) both primarily focused on the two-party relationship between customer and provider and the new concept of many-to-many marketing (a network and stakeholder approach) are highly supportive of the new notion of service marketing.
Service management
Service Management is integrated into supply chain management as the joint between the actual sales and the customer. The aim of high performance Service Management is to optimize the service-intensive supply chains, which are usually more complex than the typical finished-goods supply chain. Most service-intensive supply chains require larger inventories and tighter integration with field service and third parties. They also must accommodate inconsistent and uncertain demand by establishing more advanced information and product flows. Moreover, all processes must be coordinated across numerous service locations with large numbers of parts and multiple levels in the supply chain.
Service innovation
The term “service innovation” is used to refer to several things. These include (1) innovation in services in service products – new or improved service products (commodities or public services). Often this is contrasted with “technological innovation”, but service products can certainly have technological elements. (2). Innovation in service processes – new or improved ways of designing and producing services. This may include innovation in service delivery systems, though often this will be regarded instead as a service product innovation. Innovation of this sort may be technological, technique- or exopertise-based, or a matter of work organisation (e.g. restructuring work between professionals and paraprofessionals). (3). Innovation in service firms, organisations, and industries – organisational innovations, service product and process innovations, and the management of innovation processes in service organisations
Service Human Resources Managament (HRM)
Application of HRM to to service businesses and activities.
Service engineering
Service engineering is concerned with how a service system improves itself through the application of technologies, methodologies and tools. Refers to the design, development, deployment, operations and maintenance of service systems based on IT, knowledge workers, outsourced organisational or business components - all configured to co-. create, deliver and capture value between a provider and a client.
Service economics
The definition and measurement of service activities in an economy, including the measurement of productivity, quality, regulatory compliance and innovation
Service Design
Service Design is the specification and construction of technologically networked social practices that deliver valuable capacities for action to a particular customer. Service design can be both tangible and intangible. It can involve artefacts and other things including communication, environment and behaviours.
Service computing
An emerging cross discipline that coves the science and technology of leveraging computing and information technology to model, create, operate and manage business services:includes web services,e-commerce,service-oriented architectures (SOA), self-service technologies (SST) and software as a service (SaaS)
Service or service activity
A short definition is provider-customer interactions that co-create value. A longer definition is the application of competence (knowledge, skills, and resources) for the benefit of another entity in a mutually agreed and mutually beneficial manner.
Adaptive innovators
People who are entrepreneurial and capable of globally integrated systems thinking in the many project roles they may fill during their professional life time. In contrast to the specialized problem solvers of the 20th century who are sometimes called “I-shaped” professionals for their depth, 21st century adaptive innovators are both deep in some areas with broad communication skills across areas of business, technology, and social sciences and hence they are sometimes called “T-shaped” professionals.