The aim of the SSME network is to promote service research, education and innovation by bringing together academia, industry and government in the UK who recognize the need for multidisciplinary approaches to services oriented research and education and who develop the wider services agenda and best practices within the UK.
The network started in 2007 thorough funding from EPSRC and support by BT, HP and IBM. The network was coordinated by Prof. Linda Macaulay and Dr Liping Zhao. SSMEnetUK is currently associated with the Service Research and Innovation Institute (www.thesrii.org) under the UK Chapter umbrella.
Get involved in the network by joining and being kept informed of upcoming events (see 'join the network')
Latest News and Events
Case Studies in Service Innovation
Recently published book part of the Springer Series ‘Service Science: Research and Innovations in the Service Economy’
See Service Innovation Cases for further details